02 Oct 10 Tips On How To Plan An EPIC Girls Trip
It took me one hundred and forty-two hours to plan an Epic Girls Trip! The above photo was taken in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in celebration of my 40th birthday. In my professional life, I am a nurse and project manager which require skills of attention to detail and process management.
So when it was time for me to decide how I wanted to spend my 40th birthday, I thought it would be awesome to use the skills and talents that I get paid for to bring joy to my family and friends. Oh, it helps that I am a true Virgo, perfectionist and idealistic in my thinking. Side Note: It took me years to embrace those traits.
Yes, it was epic! Eighteen women from all over the world converging on one country for three city tours and a cruise! The women met as strangers and left as friends. I was so inspired by the experience that I’ve decided to do it again! Next year we are going to the Constantia Valley outside of Cape Town, South Africa. For more information click here.
Are you ready to plan your own girls trip?
Ten tips to planning an EPIC girls trip!
1.Know your friends. Survey your friend’s personalities. Ask yourself. Who they really are? What do they like to do? Do they like to spend time with people or alone? Do they need a roommate or not?
2.Pick a Theme. Everybody loves a reason! Whether it is a birthday, divorce party, Spa Weekend, Belly dancing, trip etc. Having a theme or reason to gather will set the emotional tone for the trip.
3. Plan music and “spontaneous” dancing. For those times of transition (bus rides, welcome reception etc.) or getting ready. Make a playlist of your friend’s favorite songs or songs that are reflective of your age group. I promise when the music starts people will respond accordingly. You never know, an impromptu karaoke concert might get started.
4. Pick a destination that has opportunities for both lounging and activities for the group. It’s important to allow time and space for people to do activities together and activities alone. Some people need alone time so that they can be more energized when it’s time to do the group activities.
5. Select a place that is within everybody’s budget. If possible set the budget to include most of the meals and all of the activities. (Bonus: I also like to collect enough money for the “kitty”- for tipping up front. Now I don’t have to hold the kitty, somebody else can hold the kitty and be responsible for tipping. It depends on the dynamics of the group of friends.)
6. Set up a payment plan that is 3-5 payments. Payment plans help people manage their money and provide more opportunities to participate.
7. Give SWAG bags. Everybody loves to get gifts. Include the cost of swag materials in the budget for the trip. SWAG includes themed t-shirts, pens, bags, snacks, mosquito repellant, sunscreen, lotion, Tylenol, Immodium, or any item that is reflective of the destination.
8. Encourage your friends to purchase trip insurance. There is nothing worse than having an emergency happen when traveling and not having the resources to respond like you want to or need to.
9. Send out emails or texts with little-known facts or photos about the destination leading up to the trip. This builds anticipation and excitement. (Who knew Vietnam had such a strong French influence?)
10. Hire a professional photographer or designate someone to be the photographer in the group to capture the memorable moments of your trip.
Having traveled solo for the last twenty months, I reveled in the idea of introducing my friends to a place that I love so much. Yes, it was a lot of work, but I believe that the memories and the bonds that were created were well worth it. My sister circle gives me life!
I’m excited for the DiscovHer Life International Women’s Retreat in 2018. Apply today! Applications close October 15th. Click below for more details
Do you have any tips to share regarding planning girls trips, please share!
Tiffany Taylor
Posted at 02:19h, 05 OctoberYour girl’s trip to Vietnam gave ME life! I’m so happy you all had a blast and you have inspired me to plan my own! Fabulous job! (and thanks for the tips!)